We define FiberGlassic as  a Classic Fiberglass Boat designed and built from  the  50s and 60s  Our goal is to promote the restoration and enjoyment of these unique craft.


Here you can…

·        Find information about a specific boat

·        Learn the history of the use of  fiberglass in boat construction

·        Discover fascinating stories about the manufacturing pioneers who made them.

·        Learn the methods and techniques used to restore a fiberglass boat

·        Meet a terrific group of people who share your interest and enthusiasm

·        Share the knowledge and skills that you bring to the table



The last point is perhaps the most important. This hobby, and this site, can only grow and thrive if everybody contributes.

It might be a brochure or manual, a story about a boat from your past, a new source of parts or supplies, a skill or technique brought from another endeavor…the point is, just because a person hasn’t been restoring fiberglass boats for the last 20 years doesn’t mean they don’t have a valuable contribution to make!



Please take the time to explore all the coves and backwaters !

This hobby covers a lot of area and you’ll find interesting and helpful information in many places.

The WIKI is our main Restoration Resource. Here you’ll find pretty much everything we’ve been able to put together to help you turn that rough project into a beautiful restored craft you’ll be proud to use and show off at the dock!


The Forums are our gathering place. The bonfire on the beach where you can pull up and chat about anything related to Classic Boats. There’s always an interesting group of people participating in the discussions  - you’ll be amazed at what they’ve accomplished and how willing they are to help you do the same!


Our Glassifieds are a place you’ll want to visit often. You’ll find Boats for sale, Parts, Supplies, perhaps a heads-up about a Glassic for sale on Craigslist in your area – you just never know!



Check the Calendar for events to attend. A Boat Show is a terrific place to meet people, find parts, see beautiful craft – but most importantly to get motivation!!


Explore the Links - there are many other sites on the web that offer discussion and information on this subject!


Like most successful websites, Fiberglassics is constantly evolving. This is actually the 5th iteration since it’s inception in 1998. To learn more about the history of the site and it’s founder, Kelly Wood, be sure to stop in and visit The Beginnings section of the site!


Finally, FiberGlassics is not funded by a large club or organization. It’s supported by a group of dedicated volunteers. We depend on your donations to keep the site going. If you find the site to be as valuable as we hope, please stop on your way out and drop a donation in the basket – we’d sure appreciate it!



Thank you for visiting!

We hope you’ll enjoy your stay

and come back often!!

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