

Clearing out my storage from a stalled project. 1957 Evinrude Lark 35 HP motor parts, two incomplete disassembled units. Cowls have been partially repainted, missing red stripe. Chrome re-done, emblems and front plates included but need repainting. Both are long shaft, but one is missing the lower unit mid-section extension. Wiring harnesses with junction boxes included. Port-side configured period Evinrude twin motor controls included. 1957 Evinrude electric-start Big Twin short shaft included
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1957 Evinrude 35 HP Lark Restoration Parts1957 Evinrude 35 HP Lark Restoration Parts1957 Evinrude 35 HP Lark Restoration Parts1957 Evinrude 35 HP Lark Restoration Parts1957 Evinrude 35 HP Lark Restoration Parts


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