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TOPIC: 1980's FiberClassic BEAST

1980's FiberClassic BEAST 8 years 2 weeks ago #130457

I may have mentioned a month or so back that I spotted a 'Must Have' on craigslist, and (8) minutes after it was posted - I struck a deal with the seller.
It is a 'Mod VP' hull Back Water. Very similar to a LaveyCraft ModVP. It is powered by a 3.4 Liter v6 'Cosworth' Merc, one of Mercury's 'white elephants'. It's mission in life was to compete with the OMC v8, but it failed the task miserably.
The 3.4 v6 Merc would not stay together at an RPM needed to stay with the v8 OMC. Like the Chevy 409,...The 3.4v6 Merc turned out to be a great "truck" motor, capable of moving heavy loads, but not the high RPM motor needed for racing.
The hull has an awesome blue pearl (white base) paint job, with blue flames, and a white interior.
It had been sitting outside, unprotected, for over a year in the 'rain forest environment' of the PNW (Pacific North West)
I sealed off the hull with painter's plastic (bis-queen)and an industrial strength dehumidifier, and pulled (55) gallons of water out of the carpeting and seats. How CRAZY is THAT!!!!
Anyway,...I also learned a couple of tricks to clean gnarly vinyl.
Please remind me later to do a write-up on the vinyl cleaning.
I write this post primarily to express my concerns for my new fiberglass guy.
He had his second heart attack on 2/19'17, shortly after we chatted on the phone. Fortunately, he recognized the symptoms and got his a$$ into the hospital.
They found that a 'stint' initially placed had clogged up,...The doctors 'rotor rooter'd it and he is good to go again.
I apologize if 'stint' isn't the correct term or spelling.
I'm just an old wrench that seems to see my pals dropping like flies around me. Old age sucks, but I am still in denial. SIGH
"Keeping Mercs Alive Since 1965"
If you want to sent John best wished directly,...
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Re:1980's FiberClassic BEAST 8 years 2 weeks ago #130466

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Doc, it's "stent" and yes all of us who have a few in the plumbing always have to be aware of the warning signs. Matter of fact I'll be going in for a stress test in two days. Had two of them in place for nine years and now the cardio guy is keeping a close eye on me.
55 gallons of water out of probably carpet, seat foam and probably bilge area. Neat idea of masking off with visqueen(?) have to keep that in mind if I ever do another project.

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Re:1980's FiberClassic BEAST 8 years 1 week ago #130560

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In '82, I was saving to buy a 3.4 and also a 20' Stoker (Baker rally Sport Tunnel)...I was about to plan a flight from Wisconsin to Calif to check out the boat...then an opportunity came along for a new (one year old last years model) Viking (V-King) Hydrostream came available '82 and a dealer had a 200 Max Merc for the right price. They are totally different rigs, but when you are 21, you just want a performance boat. The Powerboat magazine articles on the MOD-VP series is what got me jacked up to go this direction...I think I read every issue of Dad's magazines front to back...I was hooked. I also later in the late 90's found a 1987 3.4 still in the crate at a small dealer. I tried to guy it for 2 years with no luck...then is was just gone. The cardboard was cut away and I could not believe I was looking at an old brand new motor.

Yours sounds awesome...hope to see it posted here one day. I too thought of the 3.4 as a big tractor motor that would just "shove" a heavy boat and load...but the size was kind of cool for its day.

I think a 3.0 Cosworth 225 or 250 from early 2000's would be a nice motor for my 1990 20' Voyager XT tunnel open bow Hydrostream. I hear they are brute torque monsters.

which is a better motor?...the 3.4 or the newer 3.0 series?

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Re:1980's FiberClassic BEAST 7 years 10 months ago #131257

You don't know wet until you have lived in the PNW.
Lived on the far west side of Port Angeles Washington for 7 years. Oh man. Never seen rain like that in my life. November to June, seemed non stop.
57 gallons sounds like a lot. Sounds about right too.

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Stay calm. Move on.

Re:1980's FiberClassic BEAST 7 years 10 months ago #131569

Where are you these days? (the state is close enough)
Are you close enough to meet??
No question about how ridiculous the rain is in the PNW. I'm RARELY able to get the mildew behind my ears to stop growing.
How long were you on the Olympic Peninsula?

On another note,...Earlier in this thread I posted the email contact for my fiberglass guru.
What I didn't realize at the time was that the email addy on his card was not correct.
I have corrected that in the previous post on this thread, but here it is - just in case someone wants to contact him (John)
it is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Re:1980's FiberClassic BEAST 7 years 9 months ago #132009

Here is a short video.


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1980's FiberClassic BEAST 7 years 9 months ago #132011

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That 3.4 looks like it could make it feel like a lake got smaller! Nice... love that sound.

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1980's FiberClassic BEAST 7 years 7 months ago #132734

The BEAST has left the Mercury Magic Shoppe with the proud new owner.
Because the trailer was so rusty, we opted to pay a ramp truck to transport the BEAST to its new home about 30 miles away.
I really liked the BEAST, but it just took up too much real estate in the Man Cave.
SIGH,...I still have my Hydro Screamer, so I'm not a clam at low tide by any means, BUT,...SIGH

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1980's FiberClassic BEAST 7 years 7 months ago #132741

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I am sure there is a happy new owner. Maybe I should have taken a vacation out PNW earlier this summer lol...with a flat bed hauler. That IS a beast - Nice!!!

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