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TOPIC: 64 Westfield hull ID location check

64 Westfield hull ID location check 3 years 9 months ago #144623

Hi. I had restoration done awhile back and the original ID plate was lost. I had a duplicate made up recently and before I attach it I wanted to confirm my memory. The plate was on the port side inside transom below the splashwell close to the gunwale wall. Can anyone confirm that where theirs is? Thanks!

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64 Westfield hull ID location check 3 years 9 months ago #144627

Port side on inside of transom, above the splashwell (so readily visible), between the outboard motor and the gunwale. I have two MFGs, and my Dad had four MFGs, all between 1960 and 1966, and the id plate was always in that location.

Include some pictures of your boat. Two of my Dad's boats were Westfields. I have a 1966 Niagara and a 1962 Edinboro. Well familiar with them.

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Dave Nau - 1966 MFG Niagara with 1963 Mercury 350 (35hp) outboard and 1966 Tee Nee trailer. Second boat is a 1962 MFG Edinboro with a 1984 Evinrude 70hp and Holsclaw trailer.

64 Westfield hull ID location check 3 years 9 months ago #144630

Thank you!!! I had a nagging feeling it was above the splash well but couldn’t place it in my mind. This was my grandfathers Westy bought new.

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64 Westfield hull ID location check 3 years 9 months ago #144665

Your boat is really nice. You don't see as many Westfields today as the Niagara or even the Edinboro.

What outboard is on your boat? I don't recognize it.

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Dave Nau - 1966 MFG Niagara with 1963 Mercury 350 (35hp) outboard and 1966 Tee Nee trailer. Second boat is a 1962 MFG Edinboro with a 1984 Evinrude 70hp and Holsclaw trailer.

64 Westfield hull ID location check 3 years 9 months ago #144666

Thanks! The o/b is a 2016 Merc75 wrapped in a generic 'period' Mercury design. My grandfather had a Homelite 55 4 cycle that I would have put on if I could. i went with modern power as a compromise to reliability for the family. But i couldn't stand the '16 modern black design so i had it wrapped.
BTW, for anyone interested that is reading this, i have a SE Sport 400 hydrofoil that helped alot with fast planing and eliminating porpoising with that motor. Shaved a couple knots off the top end but well worth it.

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