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TOPIC: 1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26

1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70643

  • Neil
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Here we go.
All of the fiberglass overlay is going to come off. Decorative vinyl on cabin also. Going from mid cabin rearward and across stern first.
Looks to be a solid mohagany plank here.

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Neil and Mary Ousnamer

Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70653

Neil and Mary, Grat to see the Tolley have a new lease on life! Enjoy the journey as they are alot of fun! Can't wait to watch the progress!

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Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70654

Looks like your not wasteing any time on this one. It should be interesting to see what the wood under the vynal looks like.

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Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70656

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Thank you hornet.
I am sure it will be of no surprise under there Skip. There will be some rebuilding for sure. As far as getting started right away, that was easy. Now just to see if I am a sprinter or a long distance runner!!

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Neil and Mary Ousnamer

Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70657

You got the better part of the rest of your life to work on it. Skip.

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Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70660

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Neil and Mary Ousnamer

Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70687

Looks like a good start Neil!


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Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70693

Neil! How's the bump on your head? Must be better, you are making good progress there.


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Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70696

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Thanks for asking Dean. It is fine. Although the realization of her being right to whack me hurts worse than the bump on the scalp!!
We are working six day weeks so the going is going to be at a snails pace. Lots of other fall things to do. But I will just keep pecking away at it. I can't forget about the little Tolly either.

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Neil and Mary Ousnamer

Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70929

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I have been scouring the web and I cannot seem to find a good pic of my boat. I am thinking that it is a 62 or 63 Voyager. The title says 65 but the 65 model does not have the "step" under the side windows.
Here is what I found in the 62 and 63 models for pics. These are the only two shots I have found so far.
And yes, I do have the original "apron" that wraps the rear deck.
What is its purpose? Spray?
I was reading about Tollycraft and discovered that Mr. Tollefson shares the same birthday with my youngest daughter and he was born in Stites, Idaho. 40 miles from me. Kooky!

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Neil and Mary Ousnamer

Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #70949

I had the same setup on my old Hatters, It was mostly for spray and wind. It really does help at speed. Plus it looks really sharp in white when it is clean. Skip.

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Re:1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #71150

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I got some more of the deconstruction done over the weekend.
I first started by unloading the bench/storage from the boat. Working alone and a little taller hull than the rest of the fleet!!
Thank goodness for the little pallet jack/lift truck.
Then continuing forward.
I had a good weekend. The wife was gone so I just got the shop up to 70 degrees, threw a dutch oven full of stew on the wood stove and cranked up the tunes. I also got a 1960 Merc 400 running and hung it on the Wacanda and delivered it to a co-worker.
Then from a couple posts here, I put this together to move some small Mercs around on.

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Neil and Mary Ousnamer

Re:1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #71153

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Looking good up there Neil, nice progress! That IS a big boy, I admire your ambition to even tackle this project my friend.

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Re:1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #71155

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Thank you Mark.
It will not be a restoration. Just a nice useable, safe camper that floats and will bring you home every time. Not the restoration that Nautilus does, just a good looking old boat. Looking forward to all the mistakes. I am just getting used to moving a ladder every time! :)

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Neil and Mary Ousnamer

Re:1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #71159

Geez Neil, what you gonna hand on that stand, a BB Chevy? Sure looks strong enough. You were right about very little info or pics of your boat being around. I contacted a friend up in toronto who keeps all the records and pics of different clubs up that way to see if he could find you any pics of the boat. He told me it will be a good project for some of the kids who want to get into the history of some of the clubs and there differnt boats.Maybe something might show up there for you. Looks like the wood under the deck covering is in fair shape there. Keep up the good work. Skip. :P

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Re:1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #71172

Neil, she's coming along nicely. Are you going to replace the cracked planking? Nice motor stand by the way, what a BEAST! Skip's right, I think you could put one of those new V8 outboards on there!!!!!!! I have to admit, I over do most of my projects also, not that that's a bad thing, you know it's not going to have to be redone for many, many, many years!!!!! ;)


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Re:1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #71204

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Guys that is lumber that was just laying around in the shop. The 4x4's are blocks that our paper wrap comes banded to at work. It is SPF and I just use it for blocks around the shop and firewood.
That would be great if they could dig up some pictures and learn a little in the process. Great idea.
For now I am tearing all of the bad off. Once I get all the way around the deck, I will have a better idea of what I am going to need and replace. So far the planks are solid with only the fastener holes and some checking. The only rot so far is in the plywood under the fiberglass "skin". So far just minor stuff.

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Neil and Mary Ousnamer

Re:1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #71205

Well that's good to hear. Hopefully the rot has stayed away from the inner structure then your good to go.


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Re:1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #71206

Doh, double post sorry.

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Re:1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 12 years 4 months ago #71217

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Neil, looking good. That smallcrack is an easy repair. drill a deep hole in the side just about close to the crack, put some epoxy wood glue in the crack and put a brass screw through the drilled hole and then plug the hole with a mohagany plug, clean up the squished out glue and sand it down. voila!

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Re: 1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 8 years 6 months ago #126691

Are you sure that's A 1963 ? It looks like my 1962 with the white rear fiberglass cover . What I found is most or all 1963 26 foot Voygers had a grayish rear cover . OK what your HIN#

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Re:1965 Tollycraft Voyager 26 3 years 8 months ago #144956

What the heck happened to this restoration? I have on of these myself but in much better condition. Nash powered!

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1963 Tollycraft Voyager 26 10 months 2 days ago #148784

Hello everyone, what happened to the Tolly Voyager project by Neil in Idaho? Looked like he was off to a fine start and then, no more posts. What happened to the project?

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