Hi All,
I've finally gotten my boat towed up to my house where I can begin work on her. All the harware is stripped off with the exception of the rub-rail and the steering wheel. I've got a few questions before I start. Does anyone have a color spec. for the red topsides and white hull? Also she is sitting on a Gator trailer which shows some evidence of the original Gator Yellow. Does anyone have that paint color? Insofar as the hardware is concerned it is all pretty pitted up. I sent one of the step plate rings to get strpped and it came back looking awful. Lots of holes and pits. I thought that new castings would be a better looking alternative than trying to resurrect the original stuff. Does anyone know of a decent foundry that can do boat hardware? The last thing (for now anyway) is there is a fiberglass bulkhead of some sort underneath the foredeck in the borrom of the boat that has a 1/2" weep hole at the keel line. Is there flotation inside that bulkhead? Thanks in advance for any help. This is my first thread and I'm not certain that I will be able to post my pix but I will give it the old college try