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TOPIC: Houston's thread for hurricanes?

Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #12595

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oh the weather was a "fair-day" preset in the manager....

oh, Google Earth btw is a FREE down load, add..if you want to be really impressed go to the store and by a EXTREME 3D pro by Logitech "joystick" plug it in...and start google earth. go to the built in flight simulator and walla, you'll have schaen Dion singing the Hero song on your MP3 as you fly...in the real time weather.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #12942

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Colin looks to be a NH in the mid Atlantic, (Navigational Hazard) his little brother that is/was riding his coat tails...is also a NH

this mourning a Invest sprung up off the east coast of Florida, durring the day to day it has crossed of in to the Gulf heading for Cuba from point -A- the west coast of Florida to -B- (Cuba) this system will pull a 180 and head north in to the north shores of the Gulf....

Mirror mirror on the wall....kind of early but this is almost exactly what Katrina did BUT currently there is a Massive protective high blocking any north shore aggression. this could become real interesting.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13017

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Let me see here...where to begin?

ok you all know the system I mention that sprung up off the east coast of florida, which by the best that I can tell it is the afterbirth of Colin. When a system get's torn apart like Colin did they always leave a little something, in most cases the results are the same "system" basically goes off the grid but still keeps on moving along unnoticed, till they redevelop and get put back on the grid as a new system.

This I think help "drive up the numbers" to help lay claim to the prediction for the season, the more that are predicted the more completely noticeable systems get taking off the grid like Colin has.

There should be something, a rule maybe where the NHC has to follow a system and keep it's track no matter what it is till it isn't...anymore.

The system I am referring to was...invest 94 which stayed on the grid for about 24 hours and strangely disappeared off the grid...AGAIN.

but I can see it, and it is growing.

this system is going to curve down towards Cuba and pull a 180 and head towards New Orleans with in a week, and someone somewhere should be paying attention to it, and not there prediction numbers.

why all ways New Orleans I get asked, well there the nice warm waters that come out of the Mississippi and all that "warm" water sits in the north east pocket, like a blood hound the Invest system find it because they are looking for energy, unfortunately they don't have a depth finder installed to see where all that warm water is is also land...

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13330

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Back I had to take a break....

yest that invest did hit New Orleans as a tropical depression (TD) and it was "named" TD5 as in the fifth TD for the season....

Kind of got lost on how we have had "5" tropical depressions so far, but it is how the NHC counts.

But wait..just checked my weather Grids...and guess what!

New Orleans Had TD-5 hit them...and they had it...hit them again as it got pushed back to the south back in to the gulf where normally they exit stage right north by north east. TD-5 couldn't because of the protective high which kinked it back in to the gulf.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13515

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OLD TD 5 that got pushed back into the gulf, hooked to the west up behind the protective high and is currently being dragged off stage east by north east...

there is a very good point to take a look at currently, all the flooding in Mississippi last night/today is because of what remains of T/D 5.

like I said way back in this thread, sometimes a tropical depression/ subtropical depression is worse than a hurricane because they move rather slow and dump mass amounts of rain in a relatively short amount of time...causing mayhem and grief as they go along, we know them well on the east coast we call them Nor-easterners.

BTW, the "show" as it been, is like the preseason warm up for the NFL, the hurricane active season really starts mid August till November.

some one want to ask why I am waiting for the big one, more this year than in the years past?

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13533


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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13542

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O.K. Houston I give up! WHY?

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13705

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Ok, I will tell...

with FSX I use HiFi Evaluation, which is a program that aids the weather for FSX...

test drove it with models around my general LOS where I live and I can tell yea, ...see it and it will be there in the program, test drove it against live radar out of buffalo again what is going on in real life is again shown in 3D IN FSX. which now here comes the odd part ever hear of 3D radar? 3D radar is something they are trying to develop for weather guys can see and look at at weather system, instead of looking at 20 to 25 different radar Images they would only have to look at one. Guess what I found out...what they are trying to "make" is all ready here in FSX the weather guys could simply just use the "SHIFT-Y" to skew over up down and left and right across any weather system to "see" it with out having to "fly a plane/model"

what has become my favorite model in FSX has become the B17-G by A2A which can be found here See the A2A B-17G , this plane is to much to put into words.

where research shows, these guys went to the best source for information about the b-17 by interviewing and beta testing it with actual pilots, engineers and crews from WWII, so if that switch flipped and it took -x- amount of time for -A- system to work it is "simulated" in to FSX, the cockpit windows even "fog-up" if you don't have the ventilation blowers and heaters on and the best part is you have a crew with you.

OK so this is a long winded answer to why I have been waiting for a hurricane, with Alex I got a taste of it with out the add-on for FSX, where I had my KC-130 fly the same route the hurricane hunters where flying, which I was following via Google Earth using weather tools.

The NHC is now ploting an invest called 95L, this system is currently directly north of the east tip of south America which can really be seen here Danielle is born

As it stands ...well as it would look, if you looked at it today you would see all the models showing Danielle will develop in to nothing more than a navigational shipping hazard in the Atlantic....BUT, using FSX I can see -more- than the computer models can see because of HiFi evaluation has weather radar following your plane, it not part of the model it is part of HiFI which you can add to the model...

basically I took a 1940 something creakier and groaner and put a 2010 weather radar in it...I like thinking of it as Pimping up my ride, but using all of it I can see different fronts and weather using any model in my arsenal which includes a U-2 and a F-111 pig so if I wanna get really up there ...I can and see everything in 3D.

here a little "from out there" forecast about Danielle, she is blind siding the computers and there models, she will continue to travel west by north west and instead of turning to north to north east she will duck for the endzone to the south around a east bound high which she will "graze" and continue her travels to the north by north west. where she will MAYBE make land fall into the east coast, which we are talking 10 to 14 days out sooooo.

but I had to ask Genny tonight, what would she think if New York City got hit with a September Cat-5 Hurricane?

she just kind of look at me as wanting to know why I was asking such a question and wanting to know IF...and alls I could say is, one is coming and as I am seeing it, it is gonna big...how big I don't know yet but it will be big and it gonna find the east coast.

Hope you have a rain coat ron...

more later...gotta fly, some folks want some screen shots, here's a little something something for now.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13771

geez...just in time for the tuckerton seaport acbs show.well it won't be the first time.lol

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13848

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you may just get a little wet, Danielle got upgraded from a TD to a cat 1 , she is looking to be the "spoiler" because she has a friend in her wake....which that spells T.R.O.U.B.L.E

Danielle will act as a bulldozer causing a major disruption in what ever weather patterns there are clearing the way for her shadow..invest 96 to do what ever and to go where ever it feels free.
will update in a bit, checking the x amount of datta...and of course going fly the old creak and groaner in to it...

which BTW, remember how I said it has a crew, they talk and they can not help themself to bring to my attention that...the course the plane is on...is heading for a storm...go figure.

I kind of like hearing the sound effects the crew makes, haven't check to see if the waist gunners in the back where issued mops and a buckets by the way they sounded last flight they needed one.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13851

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....just 6 hours later...

Danielle is now a Cat 2, and she looks as if she will grow bigger yet.

I am amazed at what I saw on the TV this mourning, not one but TWO different weather guys "forecasting" land fall points...left me a little confused.

for beginners she to far with two many factors, the "models" bend as days go by so to say -A- it's here and -B- it will go here (because that what the models today say) is totally irresponsible.

the big blue circle is a stationary High, the three red circles are lows, the lows and this high will factor in to where Danielle travels along with the sea surface temps that she will be sniffing for energy

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13887

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...10 hours...later

everyone has heard all ready on the grid...off the grid, the grid is two things...

first is the plot maps, this is where the NHC and I kind of differ. The way I see it once a storm is on "the grid" as in being plotted, it shouldn't change it designation as to the name...the name should stay and only it status should change, TD, TS, Cat 1-5 where it's status can go up and it can go down but it's name should not change.

the other Grid is for the satellite's which is used to view them, where you wouldn't really like a wide angle view if you could use a straight down the throat view so there are different Satellites for different views, EXCEPT for two areas, one that kind of drives me nuts.

in this available grids you see squares for each and how they over lap

and here is the area that will drive me nuts for a day sometimes if not more...

the red area is OFF THE GRID and the yellow circle is Daneille, which brushed the high today and went from a cat 2 to a TS, but don't worry this was excepted to happen and she will rebound but as of now she is off the grid. but here is a little off the Grid taste of what she looks like after her brush with the high. where she seems no less for the wear. and a rather large TS.

Now Off the grid is 96l which will be a hurricane called EARL, which I can't wait to see the signs that get made up for this one...AKA my name is earl....the T.V show, again the east coast will be making up signs telling Earl how much bad Karma he will get if he makes landfall somewhere and I am sure CNN will show all of them.

the Next one is Fiona and she HAS NOT EVEN MADE A GRID YET , which "she" is in development right now over the coast of west Africa. Oh yea FIONA...she the one that married the Oger....RUN save the woman and children and get your pitch forks...there an Oger coming.

wow I digressed sorry, it that dang area in the grid that does it.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13898

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6 hours later....

still kicking....

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13914

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12 hours later....
All three systems are now on the GRID

So lets take this opportunity NOW to cover some basic stuff, I add one thing to the list of STUFF one should have in order to evacuate, and let me stress not to wait to be told by a sheriff at your door.

the Number one thing I add to the list is a GPS system, and knowing how to operate it.


with a GPS system you can set it to route you OFF the main highways by avoiding them. You set that plug in Point -A- (home) to point -B- (pick a town out harms way) and go.

an added little bonus for this I am making a countdown of the most costliest Hurricanes to hit the US.

#5 is Charley, which was and August Hurricane.


people died, for no reason.

more to come, and yes "somewhere" on the east coast one of these systems will hit and there are MORE on the way. as of right now for Danielle her land fall is looking to be in the North East. for Earl it is looking to be the mid central (SC to VA), haven't "studied" them yet.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #13969

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21 hours later...

Danielle and Earl...are weird!

Everyone can exhale, because at this point BOTH look as if their destiny is to be only a navigational hazard which are FUN TO WATCH

Now I not saying having to cat 2+ hurricanes off the east coast will make for a pleasant day at the beach but it better news then what I was foreseeing

I still get this notion that Earl going to brake off his following of Danielle's path ramp up some strength is fresh warm water and head into the east mid central area of the east coast, following Danielle just ain't in his favor because in her wake there is nothing to offer other than stirred up ocean, or as they say "flipped". flipped is where the warm surface water has been removed or stirred off and that is what Earl needs is warmer surface water so if he can man up and start looking for energy rather than looking at Danielle he may become something...which has something to say about Danielle right, must be one hot looking tropical low.

now for Fiona, she still on the grid as an Invest, but again for all the stirred up ocean she has to deal with she going to have a hard time making a go of it...

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14021

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some funny stuff here...had to reset my system to factory so I am still "recovering"

about have way through the process of taking my system back to "factory"....I kind of tunked up a SNL skit about a computer store. anyway I digress...

Danielle will be the Hurricane of the good, where she will stay off the east-coast by a 1,000 miles and be nothing more than a container ship navigational nightmare as she checks out to the north by northeast.

EARL now will be another story, he will hit the east coast, trying to remember what I saw 15 hours ago....as to where I don't really know but I would LITEUP South Carolina and up for now, he is 2400 miles away so there time to re-plot him.

more in a bit.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14025

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Danielle is now a cat 4 raising hell in the Atlantic and making some great pictures as her eye forms.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14066

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Well...14 or so hours later...

Danielle, continues to be a NH...

Earl looks as IF he will be a just a Beach Picnic Buster causing Ocean tides and waves to be higher than normal.

Both will be pretty amazing to watch, still tracking for any changes.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14199

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Ok now earl trying real hard not to get any BAD KARMA, and as it is there has been report drownings because of riptides caused by Danielle, so if you do the math, Danielle is 1,000 miles off the east coast EARL will be ALLOT closer.

a Beach Picnic Buster is exactly what the term will mean, watch the pretty waves and what not but stay out of the water.

if you want to SEE a hurricane....stay at home get on the net, tune in here or just plug Hurricane tracker in to you search box.

still working on getting my system to behave, why why why why....me

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14261

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If I lived along the east coast, let say with in 75 miles of it, I would figure this week would be a great time for a westerly adventure, basically as they they say you know when it check out time so why not go stay in a hotel for a couple of days.

Fiona has a problem, she been riding earl all the way across playing ketchup and Earl has hit the brakes in his turn, yea you heard that here he slowed down his progression bringing Fiona dangerously close to his 5.

let say your a little guy and you get to close to the Big guy what gonna happen...you got it, the way it looks either Fiona will get taking into Earl or She will cut and run off to the south and try to to red October Earl.

funny how the system have set up, even weirder is the fact that all these hurricanes so far this year have not landed on US soil, might want to tell Geraldeo to read a book called "Haarp" and look at the weather around St.louse's arch...

is it just me left to wounder where this nation north to south high came from, out of the blue half the nation turns into a high and that high will be pushed off to the east by a nation wide Low, which again leaves me to wonder where that came from, all of this will then redirect most if not all the Hurricanes to turn to the north by north east....

except for Fiona, where she may have a chance to get way from the progressive high if she can get out of Earl's 5 and end-zone the high into fresh warm water, if not watch for Earl to pop within 24 to 36 as he takes in Fiona

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14278

exciting next few days.........

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14290

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been getting some emails about the HAARP System, now as strange as it may sound, no one wants to talk about the Haarp.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14293

what is/was harp?

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14296

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Ron, you got a 72 hour window...

check site out just found it tonight...kind of blew my mind at how much information they put into just....one page, the way it should be.

Hurricane Tracker

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14307

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Got a NEW toy last night, a toy for the addiction and it is free, so along with my own belief that I shouldn't withhold how or where I get my information at, which up to this point has been a wide array of websites I found a program called Tracking The Eye

you can get it yourself here:
Tracking The Eye

this program is a bit to grip BUT it is one-stop-shopping for informational "Gif's", Pic's, wind maps, impact points and emergency information, as always I tell anyone if your in any of the paths directly or indirectly, as in this case with Earl, the entire east coast from North Carolina to Main will be indirectly effected because of the parallel course just off the coast.

If you find your location within a "zone", and you know the passing date/time (x) you then can figure in the (Y) which would be a safe location for you to go.

here a nice key-note, Never ever LEAVE ALONE, if your car has sitting for four/five people...then each seat should have a body in it, put your family first but if you have a vacancy grab your neighbor and stuff them in the empty seat. Remember the GPS and stay off the four lanes go directly from point -a- to point -b- you will find staying on the back roads you will make better time with less traffic.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14309

mark,good info for people affected with this hurricane,you give good advise,especially to stay on back roads,i applaude your efforts here,even though it wont be hitting me,you may save some lives,good job mark,im glad your here doing this for everyone,john

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\"too soon old,too late smart\" my pap

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.“

---Mark Twain

Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14320

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Well thanks John, but never ever assume your safe. these things can get an unpredictable "Wobble" to them where all the charts and all the plots of where it was go "because" can get tossed out the window...even 12 to 24 hours before land fall they will change their course as if they have a mind of their own.

here is Earl on the first past of Geos today, and he looks really impressive even knowing he got down grade to a Cat 3.

and John, your going to want to watch the effected wind carts, the outer plots I looked at last night showed rain bans and moderate high wind as far in as Scranton.

John I am just a guy who see's trains coming down the tracks, and as strange as it is..well it just a hobby.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 1 month ago #14337

i just heard it may not turn north but give NC a direct hit. which means bad news for jersey on the northeast side as it move inland. got to see what geraldo thinks.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 4 weeks ago #14362

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Hope Geraldo has rain slickers this time...

the east coast need to take a.....real bad, here's the setting..

we all know of earl, here is is last Geos pass...looks like an A$$ kicker to me..

ok you got earl on the right a complete north to south low mid central moving east with heavy rains on the left, stuck between the two is a high which I really don't think if this was a made up thing or not, but if it was someone needs to sharpen their crayons a little...High's have the tendency when under force to.... blurp.

whats a blurp, well it kind of like a bubble that burps..push the bubble...(the high) and it will move, but if it encounters resistance and it still being pushed, they do not push back they...blurp off and around what ever is in the way that they are being pushed...in this case, john you may want to start looking up.

you have to low's coming together each wants to go where the other has been, the battle ground is, the entire east coast

the high "bubble" will either split or puke and check out Northeast and/or southeast leaving the east progressive low to move in and cause it's own mayhem with flooding, tornadoes and massive thunder storms as it pushes the high out.

you can almost see the HAARP theroy, the low behind the high, moves the high east bound taking Earl with it.

like I side it almost looks like a pretty good theory, but again someone wasn't think with all 8 hitting on the top and their crayon may be a little dull either way, the east coast is in for one heck of a time with this one.

wait a min, I just read all of that and NOW I AM STARTING TO SOUND LIKE I AM MISFIRING,....OMG!

here is a little tid-bit of information, Type HAARP in the Google Earths location box, and what you see will amaze you. yes there is this site in alaska, but half the field in the google fly over is blurred out.....Hummmmmmm, and another key note I made is this area has two boundary fences about a 100 feet apart from each other which you have to go through both to get inside, two other places I have seen this is at, the GINEA Nuclear power station and...the Seneca Army Depot in N.Y.

really weird for just a radio array.


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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 4 weeks ago #14390

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12 hours later Here's Earl!
Click on Image to INLARGE

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 4 weeks ago #14395

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Giraldo makes a Camino with Earl
this should cheer Ron up a bit

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 4 weeks ago #14409

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Battle Is On

You SHOULD be able to watch it live


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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 4 weeks ago #14410

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Looks like the radar link is Good to go and working...

so lets all be just like Giraldo, But we will be smarter than the him we will stay home and watch it live remotely via the US Army's webcams, you will want to look south! (C6)

US army NC Beach cams

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 4 weeks ago #14425

looks like the high is pushing earl away from jersey. now there's only a chance of showers here. what a letdown :(

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 4 weeks ago #14438

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last look ron, you got 18 hours till the eye is parallel with NYC, and he looks to be maintaining a cat 2 still by then

currently Earl is 578 miles wide...so here some math for the folks who are looking at the nice off shore "lines" of travel...

earl is 578 miles wide, divide that by 2...

now find out how far off shore earl is...minus that from the division of the width...

the results will tell you how many miles of...earl is over land.

make it more interesting, figure out how far from the shore you live..in your case, everything adding up your going to get soaked, then after earl gets done flooding the east coast you will have another band of heavy showers to deal with that will add on to the total amount of rain divided by amount of days...

hey does anyone have Noah on speed dial?

a view from space will show you...earl is a big boy.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 4 weeks ago #14460

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I was told I would someday have days like this...
as you can see in this, the travel lines don't mean squat as to the area the mass will be traveling...in my case, hey LOOK UP.

to my west, seriously less than 50 miles away is the progressive low to my east, like over my head as I type is the outer bans of Earl which started interfering with my pool project around 1pm...

take two finger (separate hands) and spin them in a counter-clockwise motion...make the two come together and what you end up with is...as seen in the yellow box with red arrows is the perfect recipe for tornadoes.

go figure...OVER MY HEAD..what can I say other than I know where my basement is....

Gaston and AKA UKN is on the grid...

gaston will be heading for the gulf via the ditch I think later next week, haven't had time to study that one yet but he also is gonna be a big boy.

shuting down my system for a bit, it is getting dicey.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 3 weeks ago #14562

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Having a "down Moment", not with my system rather with myself...

if anyone has been following, you may understand why, but I will explain hopefully with-out sounding as if my cheese has slip off my cracker or being political.

Ok, to begin with this hurricane season seems to be a bust, there is a TS hermin down in the south west pocket of the gulf witch looks as if it will come ashore south of Brownsville Texas in Mexico. seems the other three tropical depressions just vanished off the grid.

Ok, been reading and watching videos about haarp and weather enhancements...allot of the stuff I been getting into is really off the charts, but then again some of the stuff has been practice for years, weather enhancement .

When I discover there are government operated "organization" that there only function is to "sell" rain, (p/u my cheese pls) by guaranteeing moisture (rain) IF a group belongs to a co-op.

ok now cloud seeding has been going on for years that wasn't new, but Haarp, truly been a mind twister. figuring out what "could-be" and what is "over exaggerated" is something that I think should be cleared up.

Lets say, they are "beaming raw energy" directly at the ionosphere, wait....it not an "IF" they say they do, and using directional dipole antennas they can aim this just about...anywhere, and they also say they can crank up the power that turns the ionosphere into reflective amplified dish (huh?) over the horizon...that then sends this "beam" back down into the earth for a number of "communication" and "exploration" reasons

ok, that put the end to my grilled cheese sandwich right there, when I got thinking about the sink hole in Guatemala City, so I did a image search on sinkholes specificity in Guatemala..

sinkhole Images

the first thing that I noticed most where round..hum maybe a beam or something..hum..wierd, then there was this one

which they say was caused by sub-terrain erosion, which "just-happen" over night during a hurricane, the only thing that bothered me was...that's a big empty hole, where did all the tons..and tons of earth go that was there?

so now...

I covered cloud seeding, and weather control using the ionosphere...to now, energy beams being used to scan the earth for deposits of gas, oil..and stuff.

so I sit here looking for my cheese for my toasted cheese sandwich thinking about Earl, Fionna, Gaston which if you followed them, from out of no-where the east coast fell under a maga high.."over night" and a "progressive low" fell in behind it, they just didn't show up marching across 2300 miles of the US they just..poof where there like a shield...

so now, i have to look to see when was the last time a hurricane actually hit US soil.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 3 weeks ago #14603

hello...Greystone calling..hehe

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 3 weeks ago #14613

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Greystone...not for me I tell yea....

ok,so got really bored here just twiddling my thumbs so I made a time line of "history of hurricanes", doing so I thought it would help me getting over this little bump, now in this time line I did not include TD or TS, just hurricanes from cat 1 and up that have made land fall on united states soil....


The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935,The 1935 Labor Day Hurricane struck the Florida Keys with a minimum pressure of 892 mb--the lowest pressure ever observed in the United States. Cat5

Hurricane Gilbert of 1988 was a Category Five hurricane at peak intensity and is the strongest Atlantic tropical cyclone on record with a minimum pressure of 888 mb.

Hurricane Andrew in August, 1992, Hurricane Andrew of 1992 made landfall over southern Miami-Dade County, Florida causing

26.5 billion dollars in losses--the costliest hurricane on record. cat5

Hurricane Camille (1969) cat 5,Hurricane Camille struck the Mississippi Gulf Coast causing a 25-foot storm surge, which inundated Pass Christian

Work on the HAARP Research Station was begun in 1993 following a one year environmental impact analysis. The first functional facility was completed in December 1994 with three passive, diagnostic instruments and an evaluation prototype HF
transmitter consisting of 18 antenna elements and a net radiated power of 360 kW.

In March 1999, the HAARP Research Station had been developed to an intermediate level capable of high quality ionospheric research with the addition of several additional instruments to the diagnostic suite and an improved HF transmitter utilizing
48 antenna elements and with a net radiated power capability of 960 kW.

Hurricane Lili of 2002 made landfall on the Louisiana coast as a Category One hurricane.

Hurricane Isabel of 2003 made landfall near Drum Inlet on the Outer Banks of North Carolina as a Category 2 hurricane.

Beginning in 2003, the building program began the final stage of development at the HAARP Research Station. In addition new instruments were added to the facility including a new UHF Ionospheric Radar and a telescopic dome for optical observations.

Hurricane Gaston of 2004 was a Category One hurricane that made landfall along the central South Carolina coast.
Hurricane Frances of 2004 made landfall over the southern end of Hutchinson Island, Florida as a Category Two hurricane.
Hurricanes Jeanne and Ivan of 2004 were Category Three hurricanes when they made landfall in Florida and in Alabama,respectively.

Hurricane Charley of 2004 was a Category Four hurricane made landfall in Charlotte County, Florida with winds of 150 mph.

Hurricane Katrina 2005
Hurricane Rita 2005
Hurricane Wilma 2005,

the HAARP Research Station now has The HF transmitter consisting of 180 antenna elements having a net radiated power capability of 3,600 kW, thus completing its development as originally planned. Although the HF transmitter is complete, the program continues to improve and develop the suite of scientific instruments at the facility to enhance its scientific product. 20 major research campaigns and numerous shorter studies were conducted at the facility.

The results of this research have yielded new discoveries and have identified new areas to be studied. The results of research sponsored by HAARP have been reported in peer-reviewed scientific journals including The Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Radio Science, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and Nature.

2008 Ike and Gustav


no hurricanes have made landfall on the United States since.

...now that should add some propaganda to the Haarp news feeds. For me personally I am rather torn, you would think if we are able to "interfere" with weather and back when this thing was finely built and running....a certain VP was selling global warming as an "inconvenient truth", I have it and I watched it again and I am rather amazed he didn't mention anything about cloud seeding or redirecting cloud formation or even haarp ability's according to there own mission statements of what there capabilities are....

the VP was right, the problem is man made, but I do believe we should not be messing with mother nature, but country's have been doing this for years....Russia called them "heaters" and they used them to bind the jet stream to reduce the harsh effect of the Siberian winters, the thing is with Haarp, it is the most powerful "heater" ever built.

to note about Russia, way back when our radio's and our T.V.'s had a Special filter on them called the woody filter, or a W/P filter, the filter helped block out the interference caused by a heater used in Russia that was called the woodpecker (over the horizon) radar.

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Re:Houston's thread for hurricanes? 14 years 3 weeks ago #14706

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well..27 days out as it is a new invest has "pop" off the coast of west Africa, in all accounts it is said to be huge...will get pictures when geos pass over...this on will be call Igor.

lay odds..on whats going to happen to old Igor.

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